Rommel22's Kampfgruppe


Well, it's been a while since the last update and a lot has happened since then. Lets start of with the site. I added three new scenarios, "Le Valtru, The road to Arnhem and There is no room". These scenarios all made Vinnie "ShutzStaffel" Lawler. They are all good scenarios and a lot of fun to play, especially TCP/IP!
Now for some big news! I became part of the Dirty-Half Dozen, a group of people (well six) whom are part of Manx's Combat Missions site. Manx needed some help with his site and needed a group of people to help him out. I was lucky enough to make it to the group, and I am happy as ever. This is a good oppurtunity, to be part of the big boys.
Thanx Manx for letting me be part of your group, I hope to do as much as I can for your site and the "Dirty half Dozen"!


I got around to do another update. Since I took the entire week of work. Anyway, I added new scenarios to the page. Five new scenarios in all. The first is a pack of 4 multiplayer scenarios. These are only to be played against another human opponent. These scenarios are very well balanced! The next scenario is by me. This one is completly hypothetical, but a lot of fun to play. So check them out in the scenario section.


So I finally got of my lazy ass and fixed, updated and added new features to the site. One of the new features I added is CSS or cascadying style sheets. I am learning Java script so I added this small feature I learned. The other thing I did was update the links, I added several sites related to CM and other sites I really like and some sites realted to WWII. Well thats it for now. I might add more scenarios soon, IF SOME OF YOU SEND ME SCENARIOS!!!


Another update on this site of mine. Not to big, but I'd say it's worth it. I added 4 new scenarios to the scenarios page!Three of them are mine, they are older, but are really nice. Plus a forth scenario by another scenario artist. I forgot his name. The scenario name is "Two Bridges for the fuhrer". So if you are out there and know who it is contact me. I have a new e-mail address, I cancelled the old one since now I have cable! The new e-mail address is