Scenarios Page3

Baugnzez - A village N.E. of ST. Vith. This village also contains a supply depot, making a priority for the Germans to capture it.

Description: December, 1944, German attack(village), American Defense.(Historical) (Meant to be played as German!)

Author: Philip "Rommel22" Svoboda
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Bloody Bulge - The Germans try to supply to front line, one day after the "Battle of the Bulge" began.
Description: December, 1944, German attack(village), American Defense.(Semi-Historical)

Author: Vinnie "Shutzstaffel" Lawler
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Devil's Hill - German troops are sorrounded, the Americans MUST prevent their escape.
Description: August, 1944, German attack (Have to Exit Map!), American Defense.(Semi-Historical)

Author: Philip "Rommel22" Svoboda
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